[h2][color=ed145b]Rebecca <3[/color] - As Sweet as Sin[/h2] It had all happened so suddenly. The intense heat overtook her body just like that, every ounce of her blood rushing in an upwards deluge to her cheeks and burning them a flabbergasted shade of scarlet rose that left her in a warm sweat cascading, crystaline beads sliding down her brow feeling as hot as the intolerable sunlight beating down viciously upon her radiant complexion, and then...darkness. But it was not everyday you saw such a lovely goddess of a young woman parading about so carefree and immodest in only her skivvies. And unfortunate luck it be that Rebecca had fainted, for certainly she would have fallen upon the ground and graced her darling's bare feet with her lips to show such adoration and brimming, scathing passion for this beauty descended from the heavens above, possibly the woman's lips gracing...other places as well. Twas not moments after she stirred with an incoherent murmur parting her quivering lips, her eyes flickering open softly with the blazing white light assaulting her. Dear gods...did she die perhaps? Was the girl's presence so tantalizing to her that it clenched her very heart to cease its healthful undulating? No....but she might as well have perished and been ferried to a pleasant afterlife by the songs of sweet cherubs, for upon awaking she was met by the faces of all her sweet darlings crowding about her with an ample concern for her well-being. [color=ed145b]~"Oh heavens...."~[/color] She mused quietly and rather fatigued a bit, her hand reaching to feel of her face, still warm it seemed. [color=ed145b]~"I...I swear this heat must be getting to me, sweeties. I should-..."~[/color] Yet a pause as once more she beheld the immodest beauty, semi-nude once but now....now..... [color=ed145b]~"......W-would you mind taking me to the nurse's office? I...I-I'm feeling a slight...under the weather...."~[/color] And once more her body became limp, her knees buckling under her gown until finally giving way to her collapsing, hopefully into the arms of one of these beauties surrounding her....maybe even into the bosoms of this quaint but oh so ravishing beauty exposing her cherished delights for all the world to behold.