Thought I'd give it a try myself. [hider=Marine][center][img][/img] [i]"I really hate the way the ocean looks. So much blue..."[/i][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Griffin Rampart [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Height and Weight[/b]: 5'8", 143lbs [b]Pirate or Marine:[/b] Marine [b]Bounty:[/b] None [b]Personality:[/b] Griffin is a pious individual who believes wholeheartedly in the World Government. Though brash in his actions and subsequently prone to conflict, he is a rather calm youth in appearance and seemingly lazy to the untrained eye. He finds injustice among the common folk deplorable and outright hate most pirates. Usually not giving them the chance to spin a lie with their silver tongues. When confronted himself, its revealed that he hates to be challenged, regardless of rank, stature, or gender. He adamantly sticks to his ideals even if they are wrong. When he was younger he was fond of sucking his thumb and can sometimes be caught falling into the old habit. [b]History:[/b] His past is not so different from many other Marine recruits. Born in the East Blue, not quite sure himself on which island, Griffin was the result of scandalous fling between a Gorosei and a beauty. When he was young he was the center of a series of depraved events. Eventually he was to be killed, along with his mother but that didn't happen. She escaped the grasp of the Gorosei but eventually was the victim of pirates. She was later tossed into the ocean, clutching baby Griffin in the unforgiving sea. When he was older, he was told this story by his aunt and uncle, who explained that his mother had made it to them on sheer will and died the after arriving. He was focused on revenge after that for the long story had voiced the love his mother held for him and he wanted desperately to return it to her. So he joined the Marines at the age of thirteen. At first he had little going for him, he was weak and fragile, easily broken and emotionally sensitive. But after going out on patrol and traveling to a island with pirate activity he was changed. Through the conflicts and eerily enough carrying Nidai Kitetsu, he returned booming with ambition. A year after he was taken from ranks of those that would never grow and trained personally by a Marine swordsmaster. For another year they practiced and honed his skills; it would had been another if not for the announcement made by a certain band of pirates. With that came a wind of change and with a wind change came Griffin's call for introduction. He was sent to Loguetown by his mentor. [b]Abilities:[/b] A swordsmen first and foremost, Griffin has been trained extensively on a deserted island by his Marine mentor. His skills are impressive for his age, his dedication to his art even more so. He has enough strength to a cut a tree in half effortlessly and can arrest the common pirate easily enough. When he engage his foes, he has no stance only a keen eye and instinctive fondness for combat. [b]Techniques:[/b] [b]Inventory:[/b][list][*][url=]Nidai Kitetsu[/url] is one of the 21 Ō Wazamono katanas. It is a blade of inky color, one of the blackest of black with a wave of blue as its hamon. The golden guard is in the shape of a brutish triangle and its hilt wrapped in black silk, a blue charm hangs from its head, the shape of griffin's head gleaming silver. This cursed blade changes Griffin original persona when he is without it, he has a drastic overhaul. [*] Custom black Marine clothes (in the picture) [*] Pack of cigarettes[/list][/hider]