Here is my Marine: [hider=appearance] [img][/img] [/hider] Name: Elmusk Vienn Age:21 Race: Human Height and Weight: Elmusk is 5 foot 9 and weighs 70 kilo or 154 pound. Pirate or Marine: Marine Bounty: 0 Beli Personality:Elmusk wholeheartedly believes that the Marines must serve Justice and the people first and punish criminals second. He is a diligent worker who wants to become a Captain, believing that that is the highest Rank he can possibly reach with his skill. That said in his free time he is often found reading or just goofing around. History: The Vienn's are a family of Marines and Elmusk is no exception. As a child living in north Blue he and his younger brother trained daily to live up to the family legacy. It quickly became clear that he was the more skilled of the two which resulted expecting more and more of Elmusk. While this placed stress on him his father made clear why he was so demanding and treated both his sons equally when not training them. However Usama started to resent his brother for his superior talent and decided to learn how to play the political game instead of improving his fighting skills, because of this he quickly rose in ranks and is now the same rank as Elmusk, Warrant Officer, despite being three years younger. Abilities: Elmusk is a practitioner of [url=ōjutsu]Sōjutsu[/url] Techniques: Hassun: A quick thrust of his spear.