Serena looked up at Sebastian, "Then you need to knock some sense into their heads... They know that you can see more than any of us... you're the only person that they might actually listen to when you say they still love each other," She sighed, "I saw how bright their auras were glowing... They still are meant for each other and we both know it..." She snuggled against him, "Just lock them into a room until they make up or make out." When he told her to get some sleep she nodded, "Okay," She said quietly, "But you're not allowed to leave," She joked a little, "It isn't the time together I was hoping for but... it will have to do." She rested her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes. Soon, she let sleep wash over her and whisk her away, everything in their life was still going to shit but at least they had their love and, soon, their baby. ~ Rae followed Katherina into her room and nodded his head in thanks when she handed him a glass of wine, "Not to worry. I was just doing some reading for my class tomorrow." He took a sip of his wine as she spoke about them getting to know each other. He smiled, his eyes flicking to James, "I normally don't like being watched when getting... acquainted with a lady. Maybe you guardian should take a stroll, you are more than safe here," He rose his eyebrows a little, "I don't mind you eating at all," He took a seat on the couch and leaned back into it, "We could always call up a feeder as well if you want to have a bit of blood. Perks of being a teacher, I suppose." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 Month Later ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gunner wouldn't say that he was stalking Rae but he sure as hell was keeping a close eye on the guy. It wasn't because he knew that the guy was dating Anna, he wasn't that kind of guy. It was the Moroi woman that he had started hanging out with that was putting Gunner on edge. He'd been watching them but the two had been maybe a little friendlier than normal people might be together but he hadn't seen anything that might suggest that Rae was doing anything wrong. However, that changed today. As Gunner was sitting on a bench, eating his apple by Rae's classroom, he watched as the two said their goodbyes. He got the idea from Serena and Sebastian, who (if the girl was feeling up to it and walked him to class) would steal a kiss at the door. That seemed to be Rae and this woman's ritual as well because sure enough, they kissed. It wasn't a polite kiss either, after all they didn't really have to hide their relationship since Rae had been brushing his and Anna's under the rug. Basically, the two were making out before Rae finally parted with her and walked into class. Gunner was fuming as he threw his apple into the garbage and headed to Sebastian's room. He didn't bother knocking when he got there, knowing they were both in as Sebastian didn't have class and the man had texted him earlier, saying that Serena wasn't feeling well again and to be ready if needed. He ran his hands through his hair and started pacing as a very confused Serena sat up on the couch a little. She had been keeping her food down more but the pregnancy was still weighing on her, making some days worse than others. Whether with her mood or health. Anna, Gunner, and Sebastian really had been great, some one was almost always with her, which was perfect because at the times she was low and Sebastian's darkness was leaking into her, she feared what she might do if she were alone. Serena placed her hand on Sebastain's knee, her eyes spaced out as she looked over Gunner's fluctuating aura and spoke, "Gunner... What's wrong?" "He's cheating on her! That's what's wrong," In his anger, he dropped all walls he had built up for the last two years, getting as close to the man he had been two years ago than he had in a long time, "And I had to come here because I don't know what else to do other than drive my fist into the guy's face.... But he'll spin that... say I'm jealous and making things up... But I saw them! They were practically trying to suck of each other's faces. That asshole doesn't get to do that to Anna. No one gets to do that," He turned and punched the wall, sending his fist through it, which seemed to let the anger seep out of him a little. He pulled his hand out and looked at his two friends as Serena returned to her own head, "I can't do anything, Sebastian... But... Maybe you and Serena can... Please... Just... Punch him in the face for me."