[quote=@Guess Who] Name: Scott Thompson Gender: Male Age: 23 Birthday: December 7 Blood type: O- Height: 6'4 Weight: 170 Ibs. Likes: Fellow Black Egrets, proving himself to those who doubted him, the Canopy Kingdom and it's royal family, guns, women that are way out of his league, rock and roll music. Dislikes: Criminals, people with a lack of respect, anyone who shows him up, anything sticky. Parasite/living weapon: None. Just uses the Black Egret standard issue MP40, Luger P08, and Model 24 grenade. Appearance: [hider=In Uniform][img]http://i.imgur.com/FwfxQ1H.png[/img][/hider] [hider=Out of Uniform][img]http://i.imgur.com/lZgd946.jpg[/img][/hider] Blockbusters: (Since I'm not completely sure how these work, I'm just going to cheat and say that it's the same as Parasoul's) Bio: Scott's parents both worked for the Black Egrets, so it was only natural that he would join them himself. His goal is to get as high up in rank as possible, which is why he's so intent on finding the Skull Heart. Scott wishes to destroy it, in hopes that in doing so will get him recognized by his superiors and get him the position he feels he deserves. [/quote] This is a good start, but you should make up your own blockbusters, canopy's CS is actually an extremely good example.