[quote=@Guess Who]snip[/quote] [b][u]Guide to Creating Blockbusters[/u][/b] [u][b]1.)[/b][/u] Give it some sort of catchy name. Alliterations or words that make sense and go well together are where you should start. [u][b]2.)[/b][/u] Describe the attack. Skullgirls is full of references, so don't be afraid to just go look up some supers from other fighting games and reference them. I would go easy on this rule, though; try to make maybe two original supers. [u][b]3.)[/b][/u] Decide on its damage and how many bars it should cost. [b][u]4.)[/u][/b] Go over all of the moves real quick and make sure they're not ridiculously overpowered or just that they make sense. Like, I don't think your Egret would have a fireball super because it flat-out doesn't make sense. [b][u]5.)[/u][/b] lol you're done