Cain cringed a bit at the sudden flicker of lighting, however it didn't stop another ear-to-ear grin from spreading on his face as the words "playing around" were tossed about by Like. "[b]Play? You mean like a game? I do love [color=9e0b0f]games[/color].[/b]" He said with a leer before shaking his head a bit, "[b]I mean, no thank you.[/b]". Cain shuddered a bit and removed himself from the bar stool, forcing the grin off off his face as he did so. Spotting an unmanned beer left by one of the Countess' thralls, Cain snatched the drink up and downed half of it in one pull. He wasn't really one for beer, however it would suffice if he couldn't have his julep and got him away from the changeling. Still, every now and then he would eye the pump with the sort of gleam that said 'I really wanna do it'.