Djedkare gingerly attempted to pick up the glass of soda and grenadine the barzombie had graciously provided. With trembling hands, he slowly brought the glass up to his lips... and accidentally shattered it with one twitch of his fingers. "Oh, [i]blast[/i] this curse! Shouldn'ta been looking in the mirror when I was practicing this morning..." Grumbling and shaking off his wet hand, Djedkare got up to go cool off. As he reached the bar's threshold, he spotted Avalai. His temper flared by his own potency and her snubbing of his complaints, Djedkare decided to try again. Moving with speed augmented by phantom muscles, Djedkare reached Avalai and her posse in just a short amount of time. As he approached, he began to holler. "Hey, lady! I ain't done talking to you, yet! You kids may think you're all slick an' uncaring, but you're gonna [i]listen[/i] to yer elders when they're talkin' to ya! Now sit yer ass down!"