[hider=rose] Name: Rose Vincent Nickname: n/a Age: 16 Gender: Female Crush: "Nope." Relationship:"Yeah, no thanks. I saw how my parents worked out." Species: Neko x vampire Role(student, teacher or staff?): Student Appearance(s): [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/8d/0a/f4/8d0af4205728d96bca020dd816afc885.jpg[/img][img]http://images2.fanpop.com/image/photos/11300000/Yoruichi-cat-bleach-anime-hangout-11370188-400-300.jpg[/img] Likes/Dislikes: Likes cats, alone time and reading. Dislikes dogs, most sweets, and loud noises. Personality: Rude, stubborn, quiet, cunning and impolite. History(optional): Not much to tell. A hybrid of a neko and a vampire, with a twin brother. Her mother disappeared and her dad, well, who knows where he is. Schedule(Look above CS for suggestions): Homeroom, Math, English, History, Lunch, Art Other: Daughter of Deon; has inherited his telepathy, but her mother's appearance (for the most part), as well as some of her hearing problems. Dorm #: I don't caaaaare. [/hider] [hider=Zen] Name: Zen Chiari Nickname: Age: 16 Gender: Female Crush: "Oh, no..." Relationship: "I don't know, maybe eventually." Species: Inu Role(student, teacher or staff?): Student Appearance(s): [img]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-eaOHJlxW_E0/UbwJjmNFyaI/AAAAAAAAACI/lJrr949pTJ4/s1600/InuGirl3.png[/img][img]http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs12/i/2006/289/1/f/Just_a_red_sibe_by_tailfrost.jpg[/img] Likes/Dislikes: Likes food, playing and... pretty much everything. Dislikes school work, chocolate and thunderstorms. Personality: Hyper, optimistic, and care-free. History(optional): Not much to say. Both of her parents were Inus, and so she is one as well. Schedule(Look above CS for suggestions): Homeroom, Art, English, Science, Lunch, Gym Other: Nope Dorm #: I don't care [/hider] [hider=kaleb] Name: Kaleb chiari Nickname: Kae Age: 17 Gender: Male Crush: N/A Relationship: N/A Species: Inu Role(student, teacher or staff?): Student Appearance(s): [img]http://data1.whicdn.com/images/83906347/thumb.jpg[/img][img]http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/271/4/2/husky_by_kayxer-d5g58tv.png[/img] Likes/Dislikes: Doesn't like or dislike much of anything, he's mostly just there. Personality: Calm, quiet and friendly. He likes to talk but doesn't too often, he mostly just sits back and listens. History(optional): Same as his sister. Schedule(Look above CS for suggestions): Homeroom, History, Math, Science, Lunch, Psychology Other: Nope. Dorm #: I don't care~ [/hider] [hider=Namir] Name: Namir Phelan Nickname: N/A Age: 16 Gender: Male Crush: Nope Relationship: Noooo Species: Leopard shifter Role(student, teacher or staff?): Student Appearance(s): [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/b6/3e/37/b63e37c1d7e4a45425c23076edfc0ac6.jpg[/img][img]http://www.blastingart.com/media/images/sharingImages/9464.jpg[/img] Likes/Dislikes: Dislikes water, crowds of people, annoying people, and most canines. However, he likes cats, drawing, piano, and time to be alone. Personality: Distant and usually comes off as rude, but he's actually rather friendly if you're patient with him. History(optional): "Does it matter?" Schedule(Look above CS for suggestions): Homeroom, Science, Music, History, Lunch, Math Other: Nope. Dorm #: Doesn't matter~ [/hider]