[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/eNN9NF1.png[/img][/center] Kurogane shrugged once, indifferently, towards the first question, still thinking about that specific problem. As for the second question..."As the president of the Kendo Club, I have to atleast teach one lesson each week." He explained simply, resting his hands in the pockets of his slacks as he began heading towards the exit. It was known, throughout the school, that he could easily leave the academy and go to a rich and wealthy military academy, that promoted sword training and martial arts, but - mostly as a fuck-you to his father, Kurogane stayed here, opting to simply make the Disciplinary Committee, as a means of boredom alleviation until he could go home for another strenuous day underneath his father's rule. That would change soon, however...When he's crowned the Heir of the Hazekage clan, he would have complete reign over the clan's proceedings, the business, and his future. Guess who would be getting exiled from family grounds? As the two entered the hallways, which were, interestingly enough, devoid of life, Kurogane finally glanced up, crimson eyes hidden under locks of fiery red hair. "The roof." The breeze and wind would feel good, and he often rested there, just absorbing the sun and air...eating lunch there would be magnificent. Especially if his sister had done what he think she'd done, and prepared his meal. Fresh fruit and vegetables sounded good. He headed up the stairs, Megumi beside him. He noted, from the corner of his eyes, how other students would peek from their classroom, planning on sneaking out, until they caught notice of the cold siblings; thus were their reputations at this Academy. They made for an intimidating duo, with their matching, flaming red hair and eyes, and the eternally heartless aura that seemed to surround them. They stepped onto the roof, Kurogane easily sliding the door open. A skipper is what greeted them. [b]"Hn..."[/b] His normally small, apathetic frown was a minor scowl. Why did trash have to interrupt nice lunch-breaks?