There was a loud click as the train door slid open, allowing the sunlight and fresh air to rush in and contest with the stuffiness within the vehicle's compartments. All over the train, the passengers were moving toward the exits, pulling their luggage and kids along after them as they departed into Magnolia station. For most, arrival was a welcome if unremarkable eventuality, particularly given the rather unpleasant climate within the cabins. For one, however, the feeling of setting foot on new ground sparked a surge of adulation. It was all that Fleo could do to act her age and not sprint out into the crowded station in a fit of enthusiasm. All around, everything was different. The clothes that people wore, the people themselves, the style of building and the decorations and signs—all were novel to miss Plector, and thusly, fascinating. Of course she drew a few odd glances from the surrounding citizens with her bandages; it wasn't everyday you saw someone every one of their limbs wound up in cloth. If ever Fleo allowed the curious glances of people to get her down, however, those days were long past. Sure, she felt a little anxious being out in public, with only a thin veil hiding her secret from the world, but right now her eagerness reigned supreme. With as much self-control as she could muster, Fleo exited the premises, greeting everyone who dared to meet her eye with a smile and friendly “Hello!”. She noted with satisfaction that her cordiality was often returned. Her stay in Magnolia, she concluded, would likely be far more enjoyable than the time spent in Strychnine. Just the memory of the place caused her to shiver. When out on the streets and officially in Magnolia, Fleo took a moment to survey the area before removing her backpack. Checking every pocket and zipper, she made sure that they were all secure. After convincing herself that everything was satisfactory, she skipped out into the center of the road and turned to face her destination, a distinctive building in the distance. [color=C2B280]“Gang way!”[/color] She yelled cheerfully, and without further ado, conjured a carpet of dust beneath her and shot forward. In her wake she left quite a few surprised pedestrians, a few of whom murmured amongst themselves. They all knew, like it or not, exactly where a wizard like her might be heading. Naturally, she made excellent time. Using the dust-speeding spell Scoot, she glided over the ground as if she were riding an ultra-responsive, uncannily fast skateboard. She was even able to pivot around on stiff legs to take a closer look at a passing attraction as she went past, propelled in her intended direction by the cushion of dust. In the space of five minutes, the delighted Fleo had navigated the all the way to the guild hall, and was remorseful that she couldn't have spent more time exploring. Fleo, who was nearly fit to burst from excitement, dismissed the dust, pushed open the doors of Pheonix Wing and exclaimed, [color=C2B280]“Hi there!”[/color]