It was amusing how Avani seemed to be concerned that the charges brought against her were real. But the amusement was over after she caught on to the false accusations. Kasai smirked when she held on to her story that the hole in the coat was unintentional, though Kasai thought otherwise. She was taken aback when Avani gently pushed her backwards. Backpedaling until she was pressed up against a wall, she kept her eyes on Avani while she spoke. A lump grew in her throat when Avani twiddled her fingers in the hole of the coat, and she swallowed hard whenever Avani ripped the hole larger and sent her hand down against her abdomen. Her eyes followed Avani as she leaned in and pressed against Kasai. The regular pattern of her breathing caught a hitch when Avani kissed her neck. She exhaled and cleared her throat whenever Avani stepped away, looking down at her feet before looking back at Avani. Kasai straightened herself up when Avani stepped back, looking at the now widened tear in her coat. "I guess I should hope that if anything attacks me, it won't try to aim at the fleshy bits." She muttered. Avani's hands appeared in front of her and her eyebrows raised in questioning. She half smiled and shook her head. "I think if you were going to run off you would've done it already. Consider yourself lucky I left my cuffs at home this time." She laughed a bit and then pushed away from the tree, picking a leaf out of her hair. "Yeah, yeah you're right. We need to get them and then get the hell out of here." She turned around and started walking again, clenching her jaw after she turned. She rubbed a hand over the mark on her neck that Avani left, and she bit her lip for a moment before blinking away the thoughts that had been interjected into her mind. Instead, she focused on the task at hand. Finding the two who were lost was the most important thing right now, and they didn't need to waste anymore time in getting to them. She walked forward, flustered, but with the right mindset. After about a half hour longer of walking, the forest began to grow less dense. Space spread out between the trees and it was easier to navigate as they moved forward. Soon enough, they were met by a water's edge. Kasai stopped and looked around. A large body of water expanded in front of them, and in the center of the lake was some sort of... tower? It appeared to be one extremely large tree, stretching far above the canopy of the other trees that surrounded the lake. It seemed that there was an area near the top, which Kasai assumed was where Mio seemed to be reporting to them from. "Whoa..." She rubbed the back of her neck and looked at Avani. "That must be it," She looked back towards the towering spire and shook her head. "Hope you aren't afraid of heights."