Name: James Redpath Age: 30 Race: Human Height and Weight: 6'4 - 198cm 103kg Pirate or Marine: Marine [Appearance] James seems to be weathered with some experience, wearing the standard Marine uniform. His waist adorned with a simple belt, a shortsword and a longer sword on either side of it. [img][/img] Personality: Allthough his appearance seems threatning, he's an akward fellow at best. He might not have the best of lines to say, but he does mean well in regards to people whom are decent enough. He may find people in general a neusance, but he will do his duty as a marine to protect civillians. History: He lived a rather blissful life as a child, actually admiring the pirate age, the freedom and adventure that long dominated the news. Though not all to piracy is good and dandy, he met that reality rather harshly for his village. They were attacked, razed for only a small amount of coin they owned, even less of resources. He swore then forwards to join the marines, wanting to banish all piracy, even if it means perhaps squashing his previous heroes. He did rise in the ranks after quite a few years, though ruthless in battle he was, eventually he found himself adorning himself with the liutenant rank and his own crew to sniff out more thieving pirates. Abilities: Swordplay Techniques: Inventory: A pair of searock cuffs