[@SephietheEvil] [color=MediumSlateBlue]Morgan, hearing the sound of a familiar voice nearby, uses what strength she has to open her eyes up slightly. She's overjoyed to find that her father is standing before her. However, she's also very worried considering he's pointing a sword at whom he considered to be his comrades a while ago. "F-Father..? What're you doing..?" She asks him, at least trying to draw his attention away from the others.[/color][color=red]The tactician's eyes widen in shock as he hears his daughter speak, turning to face her with a look of extreme relief present on his face. "Morgan! Are you alright? What have they done to you?" He asks, clearly confused about who the enemy really is at this current point in time. He rushes over to his daughter, now kneeling before her.[/color][color=MediumSlateBlue]Morgan smiles sympathetically at her father, now being able to confirm the current issue. She weakly brings her right hand up to her father's face, it now resting on his right cheek. "They're not the enemy, father...they're our friends..you know that." She then cringes as a wave of pain rolls over her body, now struggling to keep her eyes open.[/color][color=red]After listening to what she has to say, Michael nods in understanding, his eyes returning to their normal brown. "You're right...thank you for setting the record straight, Morgan...get some well deserved rest.." He says as he takes her hand in his, squeezing it gently as she finally falls asleep, it now being her turn to regain her strength. The tactician then gently takes her hand in places it on her lap. Quietly rising up unto his feet and turning around to look his comrades in the eyes. "Allow me to apologize for my behavior. I can assure that I'll do my best to keep myself under control. Someone mind filling me in on what has happened?" He inquires, wanting to get caught up on the action he has missed out on.[/color]