At the very beginning, Julius had nothing against the Slytherin, Wade, in fact, he happened to find the whole thing fun. The problems began, however, the moment Jake opened his mouth. [i]". . . inbred . . ."[/i] Julius had no idea what that meant, but judging from Wades' currently murderous expression it was probably one heck of an insult. Then Wade pulled out his wand and hexed Jake and Rozie. Julius reevaluated 'one heck of an insult' to 'declaration of war'. Over the panic and excitement of what was going on, Julius remained as cheerfully indifferent as ever, but the fun was done. Although the young man did think that he should leave Moriah alone, and that hex on Rozie was uncalled for. He stood up and stood in between of the older Slytherins wanx and Moriah. "Hey, that was a bit overboard, don't you think? Rozie didn't deserve that hex. You started it, she replied, and that's all," he said, his eyes flitting between Wades face and wand, ready to react in a second. "And leave the penguin out of this. Aren't you the house of reputation and cunning? Do you really think this will do your House any good?" Although he was calm, Julius in fact had no idea what he was saying and was obviously just firing off the first words that came into his head. He hoped it was enough.