Casper watched with mild interest as the white haired girl began to fight the man in black. The man was obviously superior with a blade, but the girl had some tricks up her sleeve. He heard what the others were saying, speculating about how she was using her power and giving their opinions on it. He chuckled when Arisu suggested that being able to do what you want to do is more important than living your life. "Wow, I hadn't expected you to be so dismissive of the lives of others. Anyway, I doubt she's in any real danger. In fact, I don't think she's even unleashed her full power yet. With abilities like hers, the worst that would happen is she uses too much power and passes out from exhaustion." He narrowed his eyes at the white haired girl as she blasted ice at the man in black. "You know, I think she may be using her abilities more efficiently than you assume anyway." His eyes were focused on the ground where the girl was walking as they fought. Every time her feet touched the ground she would leave behind a design in ice. Was that just a side effect, or was it more than that?