“[i]The great giants of Europe have begun industrializing, using their vast might gained from their to further exploit their colonial holdings. However in Asia a material known as Burū sekitan ,or blue coal in Japanese, was discovered in huge amounts across Asia. It burned hotter than coal and produced much more power than coal would ever be capable of, as well as having a strange blue color. This triggered a rapid industrialization of Asia as the European Powers now realized that the peoples and nations they once considered uncivilized brutes now held just as much industrial and military strength as them. Burū sekitan even allowed the Asian Powers to build airships, iron ships, mechs, and even aircraft due to the power output of Burū sekitan. Europeans were quickly pushed out of Asia, with countries reclaiming some of their territory. The British Empire held on to most of India and the Dutch held on to their colonies, but things were looking grim as most Europeans were pushed out of Asia. The Europeans began exploiting Burū sekitan they found and turned towards the Dark Continent of Africa, as the material had opened up colonization of the area much sooner than expected, allowing them to rebuild their Colonial Empires and become glorious once more. Asian Powers also looked towards Africa to build their own little Empires, the idea of Imperialism now reaching them. Whatever the case factories dot the landscape and airships blank out the sky. Time’s are Changing.[/i] So as mentioned this is a Steampunk style RP with Airships, Ironships, steam-powered planes, and even mechs(although in RP terms these are more artillery pieces with two legs and bigger guns). You may take any nation from the time and work with them as you please, keeping in mind with whats been set forth by my little intro up there. While I did specify the General States of Asia, Africa, and Europe I have no idea as how to do the general states of the Americas so I will take some input there. And on input note this is in the 1800s, but I am not exactly sure where to place it in the 1800s, I am thinking somewhere from 1860-1872. With that in mind any suggestions and feedback are appreciated, and I will also open up the option to allow people to play as groups if they so please. Edit:Japan and a few of the territories it had as a Empire are reserved at the moment, I will put down with reservations for anyone who wants them if you want to go ahead and reserve stuff in the interest check. Reservations: Myself;Japan, Korea, Manchuria, Formosa/Taiwan, Philippines Gowia;USA Taniel2Shot:German Empire/Prussia Tulip;The United Kingdom(Plus associated colonies, although Tulip said he surrender a few for people who wanted them) MonkeyBusiness; Australia, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, and New Zealand. Alfhedil; The Austro-Hungarian Empire gorgenmast; China Legion X51; The Russian Empire Raptorman ; Canada I know that some of these territories lists look large, but when actually put on a map they are rather small.