[b]Name[/b]: Morgann Lacroix (Stage Name: [u]"Morrgan the Magnificent"[/u]) [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]Age[/b]: 23 [b]Species[/b]: Human; born and raised in the Chess Kingdom. [b]Birthday[/b]: April 26 [b]Blood Type[/b]: O (Negative) [b]Height[/b]: 6'1" [b]Weight[/b]: 136 lbs. [b]Measurements[/b]: 34C-26-39 [b]Likes[/b]: Magic, flowers (specifically magnolias), her dozens of suitors, money, fancy cars, bedazzled wands, the colors white and gold, chocolate, glamorous attire, the Medicis, rubies, reading tabloids, signing various things with her signature, birthday cake martinis, being rude, punctuality, Cirque des Cartes, pink doilies, gossip. [b]Dislikes[/b]: Fake magic and cheesy tricks, bad jokes, other women, poverty, Dagonians, Little Innsmouth, those who defy her wishes, gaudy or dull clothing, the Renoirs, Gale, rumors about herself, people better than her, Gigans, wizard-like apparel, anything associated with the Holy Trinity, socially awkward people. [b]Parasite/Living Weapon[/b]: [b][u]Magnolia[/u][/b] - Though the entirety of her magician's attire is the weapon itself, the parts primarily used in battle are her hat and her jacket. The inside of the suit is similar to a Sea of Dirac, which is assumed to be either connected to another dimension or is another dimension itself. The suit's attacks are aided by Morgann's magical antics, but its main function is executing scarring psychological attacks. The psychological attacks are formed after the suit has figured out the opponent's greatest fears, and after learning about what they fear the most, the attacks are tweaked to throw the nightmarish situations into play. Aside from its psychological abilities, this suit has been known to devour its user whole unless tamed and properly cared for. The current user, Morgann, has wielded this suit effectively since she was at least thirteen years of age due to her knack for magic and fancy clothing. She protects this suit with her life, and the strange thing is that it's the only thing she ever wears. Even in her sleep, she wears simply the jacket over her gown as a safety measure against any enemies that might attempt to attack her. The fibers within the suit are far too strong to simply be shredded, and yet no one knows what exactly they are made of. In order to properly destroy Magnolia, its seams must be undone by magique, an obsolete form of magic that has been lost to the ages. This suit cannot function on its own offense-wise without a user, but defense-wise, its methods are simple and effective. If someone other than Magnolia were to wear it, they would quickly be devoured and lost within the suit's depths forever. [b]Apperance[/b]: [hider][IMG]http://pre01.deviantart.net/7146/th/pre/i/2015/068/a/8/stuff_by_batterbamf-d8l38a1.jpg?1[/IMG][/hider] Under the mask, Morgann's eyes are a piercing bright green. Her hair is short due to its pixie cut. [b]Biography[/b]: From her very birth, Morgann was said to have had a great deal of power within her magic. The cause for such power was that Morgann had been draining the very energy from her mother, Aes Lacroix, from the womb ever since the doctor confirmed that she was, indeed, going to be born. After she was conceived and her mother died during the birthing process, her father, Anton Lacroix, cherished her and protected her with his very life because she was all he had left. Not only was she the only one he had in the immediate family, but she was the last baby to be born so far in the Lacroix bloodline. Because she would possibly be the last to carry the family's blood within her veins, he provided her with a rather dangerous but magical suit known as Magnolia. From then on, not only did she come to love the suit, but she acquired a taste for glamorous clothing. Her father, being the well-known and rather rich magician that he was, lived in a lavish mansion within the Chess Kingdom with a young Morgann and two chess servants. While the kingdom struggled to recover from the war that completely destroyed the economy, Anton used his money that he collected through performing to provide for his daughter and spoiled her to the point that there was no way she would ever be able to comprehend poverty nor hard work. Morgann, by age six, had become a spoiled brat. Though elementary and high school, not only was she one of the most popular, but one of the most antagonistic students on campus. Frequently playing tricks on her teachers or bullying other students using her magic, she was usually seen sitting right outside of the principle's office. Despite her social status and magical abilities, she was nowhere near the smartest in the school district, and was actually ranked ten students from the bottom of the bucket regarding her average. This, of course, infuriated her because she never had and never would comprehend the essence of hard work and modesty. She thought simply because she was "the greatest in all of the Chess Kingdom" that she had to be valedictorian. So she destroyed the school and killed most of the people within it. Including the valedictorian. After realizing the repercussions that her deed would come with, Morgann cleaned up the rubble to the point that the campus seemed as if it had just disappeared, just like a true evil magician. Fearful of her father's righteous wrath, she packed up all of her things and left in graceful silence, setting her heart on becoming one of the biggest stars within her new destination. Canopy Kingdom. Prior to Gale's enlistment into the mafia, Morgann soon learned of the circus, Cirque des Cartes, and immediately signed up without second thoughts. Though she was blissfully unaware of their affiliation with the mafia, she became a sensation within the circus, not because she was the best, but simply because they lacked a magician in the first place. One night, as Morgann was about to retire to her dressing room to sleep for the night, Morgann caught a few of her fellow circus members moving a Dagonian's lifeless body to the elephant pen so that the animals would crush the proof that this man even existed. Appalled and feeling a tad hypocritical due to her previous actions, she demanded what was going on and demanded an answer. Cornered with no way to wriggle out of an explanation, one of the culprits stepped up and explained the mafia's goal for total domination over the Canopy Kingdom. After careful consideration and deeming herself a hardened criminal, Morgann demanded to be enrolled in the mafia's forces as the "deadliest hitman they would ever see." With only a day of waiting, she was quickly accepted into their ranks as a lethal force of nature. Though she wishes to be the best assassin within the mafia, many of the hitmen have pegged her below many other killers' abilities, Gale being one of them. Ever since that day, Morgann has vowed to not only kill those in her way of being the best, but has created a plan in her head to get to the Skullheart and become the Skullgirl. She would work strictly for the Medicis and help them dominate the kingdom with ease. With such outlandish goals, she's got a long way to go. [b]Special Attacks/Blockbusters[/b]: [u][b]Alacarzam (Level One -- AIR OK)[/b][/u] - Morgann sends a bolt of energy into the ground using her wand before several cars, one-by-one, knock the opponent back. Deals fair damage. [hider][url=http://youtu.be/78faUc8QoE4?t=5m4s]Reference[/url][/hider] [b][u]Stellar Gunner (Level One)[/u][/b] - Morgann pulls a rabbit out of her jacket before shoving it impatiently into her tall hat and promptly rips out a tommy gun before shooting feverishly at the opponent until she runs out of ammo (15 hits). If blocked, still manages to move the opponent back quite a ways away; has weak damage due to multiple hits. [hider][url=http://youtu.be/R7DDnpw2T68?t=1m15s]Partially based off of this.[/url][/hider] [b][u]The Houdini (Level 2)[/u][/b] - Counter super in which Morgann quickly blocks the super with a pair of rusted cuffs similar to Houdini's before disappearing in the midst of a smoke bomb. The disappearance leaves the opponent confused before a large cage from the magician's signature water escape comes reeling down from the ceiling, slamming down onto the opponent's head as Morgann escapes the cage. This attack can be easily blocked; can only occur right as Morgann is being hit. Deals major damage. [u][b]Now You See Me, Now You Don't (Level 2)[/b][/u] - If the opponent blindy charges Morgann, she'll wave cheerfully before falling into a trap door on the floor only to rebound up from another behind her challenger. She'll quickly shove her magician's hat over their head and keep them locked in a chokehold, keeping the hat on long enough for an explosion to occur from within it. The only sign that it has happened is the sound of a muffled explosion followed by smoke escaping from the bottom of the hat. This attack causes a hard knock down, but can simply be jumped out of if the opponent manages to stop attacking in time. It is categorized as a grab super, so jumping out of Morgann's range is possible, but if not avoided, can deal major damage. [u][b]Magnolia's Magique (Level 3)[/b][/u] - Morgann's most dangerous command grab super in which she opens her magician's jacket and forces the opponent into it before shutting it and struggling to keep it closed over her. Whilst in the suit, the opponent finds him or herself falling into a dark area similar to the Sea of Dirac before being pummeled by a multitude of white, purple, and golden fists before being thrown out of the jacket and onto the floor. Cannot be avoided unless the opponent has jumped out of Morgann's range. Deals crippling damage.