Kaleeth sat down beside Vera after Meesei and Sabine left, just as she indicated. She was just starting to realize that this was the first time she had been assigned any kind of important task on her own, which quickly made her nervous. Still, she did the best she could to keep herself calm with Vera. She had to keep in mind what she was supposed to be doing, and what she needed to be careful not to do. She needed to keep her real task secret, which would be difficult given how much anxiety she had. Although, she was in an unfamiliar place, so perhaps she could just act like she was nervous about being in a new place? It would not be far from the truth. Kaleeth shook her head. "Oh, not right now. I can...learn by watching when you are doing those things. I'll just make sure to remember all of my questions." Meesei and Sabine were fairly silent on their way down to find the scholars, as Sabine did not seem too keen on talking, and Meesei was absorbed in her own thoughts. She would have to walk a fine line when talking to the scholars. If Sabine ended up needing their direct involvement, then they could not simply present them with a poison to test with no explanation, but on the other hand, they could not entirely be trusted. Sabine could help ensure that whatever results they made were not fabricated, but if Darahil was the traitor, they could not be trusted to know the truth. Therefore, she needed a reason to be testing the poison. She could, perhaps, say that they discovered the poison in storage, but not indicate that it had been used. She could tell them that they suspected there was a spy within the clan, which, while worrying, would not be as bad as knowing their alpha had been murdered. It was not long before Meesei and Sabine reached the scholars' room. Hopefully, the alchemist would be present so they could get to work immediately. "I don't like it either, but I got to do what I got to do." Lorag responded as they were entering the main chamber. He didn't like staying out of a fight when one was offered to him, but it was for a greater purpose. He supposed he could spar with a student if he needed to keep up appearances, but that would not be near as interesting as a fight with someone closer to his level. After Harriet made her last comment, Lorag gave something between a grunt and a chuckle as he looked at her. "Hmph, what do you think?"