[h2]"Trin" Ersutu[/h2] "Master!" Trin calls after the guild master as she witnessed her capture. Then she hears glass shatter, and her attention draws to the oil spreading at their feet. Before she can attempt to dance them away from the slippery covering, Karn's already acted. Wires bind her and the princess together and they're whisked up and away, as fires roll over the ground where they had just been standing. How nasty of them... They were swung up onto the top of the White Legion that had snatched Master Jamie. As she sails through the air, she realizes she lost track of Damien and El-Sasha... she hopes they're alright. The young lady loses her breath when they land, taking a moment to regain her senses before she looks around, on alert. She spots Pen and El-Sasha. She watches the foe closely, pressing close to the princess in case she needs to move again. She hooks a leg behind one of Liana's knees, to ensure she could move the princess swiftly. Maybe a little closer than the Princess is used to being, but... [h2]Trinity Stratos[/h2] "No way, you've done enough, today." Trinity slips her the lacrima back into her pocket and stands to follow the man. She twists her torso to the side as she walks and motions to Nori to come along. "I've got a couple lacrima for teleportation. If anyone really wants to go back so quickly, they can use [i]those[/i]." The minstrel begins to play her harp as they walk, following vaguely at Maddox's side.