[img]http://i59.tinypic.com/4t2b76.jpg[/img] Aki scoffed a bit at Kurogane's comment of it not being their family influence, but that fact they are just better than him. So he was the type of person who looked down on others that had less than he did. What a bothersome person, usually the upperclassmen were suppose to be role models yet this one just acted like a major asshole. Having the money to do whatever he damn well wants, getting away with "skipping" due to the fact their family could probably fire the principle. [color=a187be]"Is that so? Sorry for being born inferior then."[/color] Aki replied with. That was when the sister asked why he hadn't left, well sounded more like a demand with how she said it but at least she was being somewhat nicer. [color=a187be]"What does it matter if I stay or go? I stay and I can have fun and remain clueless. I go I will remain clueless and bored. You two probably wouldn't get it but I know Im not smart. So I decided just not to bother with it today. It's not like I skip everyday. So pretty much like your brother stated, I'm inferior to you two."[/color] Aki stated as he took another bite of his jerky expecting a comment of the likes to him being inferior and that he waste his time. Well it's not like the rich will understand the poor in a day.