Alcaeus jolted awake to find he had fallen asleep at the bar. His sudden movement wasn't a very good idea, as his hand went straight down and embedded in the bar itself, making a fist shaped indent. His eyes darted around, as he made a reassuring 'Uhhhhhhhhhhh' and tried to search for a solution. He quickly placed a coaster over the hole and removed himself politely from the bar, hoping no one saw. He adjusted his plaid flannel's buttons, making sure the sleeves were rolled up correctly, and straightened his jeans before walking out to the atrium and out onto the deck. The rain was coming down heavy. He loved the smell of rain, it reminded him of the time he spent at the Alpheus and Peneus rivers in his youth. He took some time out to go and check on his horse, taking the short walk down through the rain to see that the steed had taken cover beneath a dense canopy, happy, dry and safe. The walk back to the house was quick, but he was absolutely dripping water as he returned, his clothing sticking to his muscled form as he tried to squeeze out the excess water. "I am not a smart man."