[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/eNN9NF1.png[/img][/center] Throughout the speech of 'inferiority', Kurogane had lied back on the blanket, staring up at the sun through long locks of red hair. He wasn't stupid; on the contrary, he was an immensely intelligent young man with a tactical mindframe. He was the heir of the Hazekage Clan, and would inherit millions upon millions of dollars in the next few years. However, despite all of this, he wasn't arrogant. He wasn't ignorant. He wasn't foolish enough to believe that anyone was inferior to him. His previous comment was mostly to make the boy walk away; after all, peace and calm bliss was better, even if it made a no-name student hate him with all of his guts. But...this was a tad sad. The boy was giving up too easily, and admitting that he was inferior. What sort of soul and heart was that? [b]"To be a human being means to possess a feeling of inferiority which constantly presses towards its own conquest. The greater the feeling of inferiority that has been experienced, the more powerful is the urge for conquest and the more violent the emotional agitation."[/b] With that being said, in his usual cold, distant tone - Alfred Adler was a brilliant man - Kurogane slowly stood up, bending down to clean up the brief crumbs that have befallen due to their eating. His sister knew that he was a lover of poetry and psychologists, so she wouldn't be surprised by the philosophy. Speaking of that...he would have to read through the Twentieth Sun Tzu's Book of War. It would be expected, for tomorrow's meeting.