[center][img]http://i62.tinypic.com/4g0u4k.jpg[/img][/center] "Such a horrid case of teenage angst." Megumi waved her hand in front of her face and let out a small huff. The boy, the one who had the arrogance to remain on the roof had stated his opinion while attempting to be deep as well. It didn't touch her heart, in fact it was a rather pitiful attempt to get back at them in some deep, Shakespearian way. She shook her head, almost chuckling, yet the girl retained her stoic exterior and laughed on the inside. Megumi folded up the empty lunch boxes and buried them deep within her duffel. She slowly rose to her feet and picked up the lace napkin she sat upon. "Well, that concludes lunch. How about we all just shut up for awhile and admire the car smog over the city, hm?" If anything, she just wanted their bickering to come to an end, but alas, they were both intent on outsmarting one another... Or at least something so that one comes out the alpha male... Men can be quite competitive... Whatever, no homo.