[@Phobos][@Hebigami Shiho][@samreaper][@Silverlight138] [center][img]http://i58.tinypic.com/2ewh1d4.jpg[/img][/center] As Kurisa continued to chase Shoske down the hall he suddenly halted seeing Shoske crash into some guy that he probably should have known, yet their identity escaped his mind as they can't have been that important. Instead Kurisa just stopped and began laughing at the two, he then noticed Utaho come around the corner as then spoke to Kurisa whilst grabbing Shoske by his shirt. "[color=00aeef]Well when this started I only wanted to hit him once...Now I want to break every bone in his damn body![/color]" Kurisa listened as one of Utaho's followers told her to be careful as the Prez was watching...well that sorted that one out "[color=00aeef][i]The Prez huh? Guy looks like a stuck up dickhead...probably cause he is[/i][/color]" Kurisa rested to long broom handle on his right shoulder as Kurisa's eyes widened a little seeing Shoske headbutt Utaho. This kid had some balls but at the same time he didn't...Kurisa wasn't exactly the nicest guy but shit he had some morals! he wouldn't hit a woman unless it was for self defence...or unless the two wanted to actually have a fight but still a headbutt? that was a bit far even for Kurisa and that alone further pissed Kurisa off as he slammed the broom handle onto the floor "[color=00aeef]The fuck's your problem!? First you go and disturb me, then try trip me up with your shitty little trap, flip me off, shout a bunch of shit at me and then hit a woman!? I think kicking your ass is a pretty just punishment! And really? A fucking pencil? Well how about this...you get down on your knees and apologise to Utaho and Me?...that way no one gets hurt right? I mean...the Prez is in our presence...we should all be sensible and mature and handle this in a way that I'm sure even the Prez here can agree with[/color]" Kurisa looked at Utaho as he finished saying this, almost giving her a look to show that he wasn't being serious with that option...more so wanted to get him into a weak position so it'd be easier to slam his fucking foot straight into the little shits face...well Utaho would read it as just get him on his knee's so it was easier to hit the bastard