[img]http://i59.tinypic.com/4t2b76.jpg[/img] [color=a187be]"Teenager angst? If you think that's depression, I could say much worse things. Besides never said I was depressed. I just simply agreed with you guys. I will admit I envy you two though. Yet those reasons are my own. Also thanks for trying to cheer me up I guess."[/color] Aki said, as he pulled out his game system again. He stared at it for a few seconds but yet like a sickening urge his mind just wouldn't accept what he wanted to do at the moment. The female stated they should just shut up and admire the car smog, which made him chuckle as he wouldn't have expected something like that to be said. Aki remained silent before rubbing the back of his head, it would probably be stupid since they already sentenced him to detention, but might as well as try to ease the tension, which he somewhat fueled. [color=a187be]"Well, It will probably be dumb of me to say but my name is Aki Okumura, class 2-C. Sorry for being rude in anyway. But hey at least if you really want to drag me to detention, you have all the information you need."[/color]