[@Earnest Evans] "Mm...?" Avalai could barely hear the ancient over her thralls having a roaring good time. Some of them were even swinging from the god damn chandelier. She didn't mind, it wasn't often the boys got to have so much fun. Her fewer in number female thralls were already storming the giftshop, trying to find things that tickled their fancy. The Queen had paused and looked around to find the source of the noise coming from the mummys throat. However, just as she was about to turn around to see him, the ancient was being swept up in a group of male thralls hooting and hollering on their way to the balcony.[@oakman] They carried the ancient monster, crowdsurfing him as they peeled off their fancy clothing down to their underwear and ran past the Lord De Gravee, leaping over the balcony to dive into the pool below... taking the mummy with them. Back in the lobby, Avalai and her handmaiden looked around for the mummy but, not seeing him, exchanged glances and shrugged before making their way up the stairs.