[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/eNN9NF1.png[/img][/center] Well, great. His sister had to pull his manly pride card, and now his pride dictated that he hashed things out. [b]"...Names Hazekage. Kurogane Hazekage."[/b] He finally forced out, his normally stoic, controlled, and cold voice holding a tint of piqued companionship. He released a slightly hollow chuckle - the only chuckle you'd probably get out of him - before sitting back and staring out at the clouds. Curiously enough, far in the distance, his sharp eyes could see the slightly gassy figure of smog; most-likely from industrial buildings and vehicl- God damn it. [b] "And no detention."[/b] Immediately after, as if explaining himself, Kurogane said coldly, [b]"Only because it's lunch-break for your class right now.[/b]" The tall, red-haired young man sat back on his palms. His voice spoke up again, in it's usual cool tone, [b]"She's Megumi Hazekage."[/b]