Puddle water on his pants. He'd suffered worse, far worse, in the past as well as having moved beyond such a petty squabble. With an non-bothered shrug, he looked up to the culprit of this act. A pretty thing - at least on the immediate surface, Kimaris was old and experienced enough to spot the tell tale signs of a disguise, much like his own current one. Kimaris' squinted, dagger like gaze seeming to see straight through her cover. "Be more careful." He said, turning his gaze from her to the direction she had come from. Desium Corp. A sudden feeling filled the air, noticeable to Kimaris by pure coincidence. A horrid, familiar feeling which only battle-honed individuals like himself could pick up on. Directed disdain and the intent to harm. Oddly enough it was not aimed at him, but rather the woman before him. "Suggest you get in doors. And watch your back. I think you have an enemy out there." He offered, turning on his heel and continuing on his walk deeper into the city, hands in his pockets. The rain felt nice.