Cain slowly set down the beer as per Snazzy's requests, more so to placate the scythe wielding creature than to get his ghost julep. He slowly stepped back towards the bar, keeping his hands up and in clear sight of the reaper because, goddamn he was wielding a huge ass scythe, that shit could cleave Cain in two while he was in his human form. Cain hesitantly reached out and snatch up his julep, "[b]Thank you. Cheers.[/b]", the wendigo knocked back the drink, enjoying the burn of white whiskey with the slightly sour and minty hints that came with the mint leaves and lemon juice. "[b]Goddamn![/b]" Cain said as he coughed a bit and raised his glass to Snazzy, "[b]You scare the hell outta me, but I gotta admit you make a damn good drink![/b]"