[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/eNN9NF1.png[/img][/center] Sweet, sweet peace. Now, no more annoying drama, no camaraderie...things are going back to normal. At Megumi's question, Kurogane merely rose his wrist up to his face, his sleeve drifting down to reveal his watch. The time...Class 4-A would probably be in Civics, but he had that class Wednesday, at home. Hm...He was never for sleeping on the job, although the feeling of sleepiness began to ensnare his senses. Kurogane finally dropped his arm, crimson hair lying across his face, and swamping across the floor like a feathery pool of blood. [b]"We wait until it's time to leave."[/b] He finally responded, a lazy glint in his eyes, which was quickly wiped away. Sighing, he sat up, taking his backpack off of his back and moving his bokken to the side. Quickly taking out Sun Tzu's Art of War, Edition 20, Kurogane propped back on his bag and began reading. His sister would find something to do in the meantime; he knew that she didn't want to go back down into the masses, either. As for Aki...well, he had a pass for today. He could do whatever, as long as he didn't work Kurogane's nerves up again, which hardly happened...he must've been hungry as a whale.