As Djedkare was carried off and dumped in the pool, he tittered gleefully. Dripping wet, he surfaced with the rest of the guffawing thrall horde. With a withering slap on the back, Djedkare addressed the group with happiness in his voice. "Oh ho ho ho! You kids and your rituals! It's good to see we've still got [i]some[/i] tradition going round! You boys will have to hold off on the Ritual of Ashk-Ente until I'm done with my business with that rotten little tart, then I'll show you [i]real[/i] festivities! Cheers, lads!" Cheerfully tousling one of the thralls' hair and hoisting his loincloth back up, Djedkare leaped out of the pool and made his way back to the lobby. [i]If I don't hurry, I won't catch up with that saucy little girl,[/i] Djedkare thought to himself, his augmented footsteps reverbrating across the pool hall. As the pool was connected to the same stairway as the rest of the hotel, Djedkare made it back to the lobby in no time, just barely managing to catch the bottom of Avalai's feet climbing out of view. With nothing to stymie his stamina, Djedkare thundered up the stairs like a mad bull. So enthusiastic was he that he couldn't stop himself in time to greet Avalai, and instead rammed into her at full-tilt from a downwards angle, bowling the two of them over. Getting to his feet with enough force to make the steps creak, Djedkare apologized profusely. "Whoops, heh heh! Sorry, missy, I don't know me own strength! You and me are gonna have a little [i]talk[/i] about blowing people off, y'hear?" [@ReaptheMusic]