-too many players to tag- [center][img]http://i61.tinypic.com/2ivd8hh.jpg [/img][/center] Being involuntarily bulldozed by Kenny down the hallway was embarrassing, and even more so that more people had appeared, drawn by the epic collision which was unsurprisingly acting as the central point of focus. Hurriedly, Reiko dismounted from Kenny’s Nope Train of Embarrassment and stumbled, almost tripping over a leg of the rolling chair in the process. She smoothened out her attire with a few adroit flicks of her hand, glad to have missed out on the opportunity to have her face acquainted with the floor. “Good lord Kenny, don’t pull something like that next time, please.” Reiko sighed, resting her fingers on her temples. “Free train rides are good and all, but I would rather not,” she remarked. Meanwhile, the commotion in the hallway had erupted in that mere short span of time. The individual who had collided into Akiko wasn’t someone Reiko was familiar with at all – his face had failed to jolt any sense of recognition in the girl’s mind. On the other hand, Utaho, whose name evicted all sorts of unpleasant experiences of one too many lectures on delinquents expressly made by Akiko, failed to amuse Reiko. For the next minute or so, Reiko watched with a keen, observant gaze the scene which had unfolded before her. The three were in a deadlock, the noise made escalated by Utaho’s bitch hags from hell cheering her on, while both delinquents screamed bloody murder. Then, Reiko’s interest waned. “Well, that completes this week’s training for our synchronized idiots’ team,” Reiko remarked aloud, and started off. She threw a backward glance at Kenny. “Best you go off too. I think Akiko is about to scream up a storm.” With that, she made her way towards the stairwell leading up the rooftop. Normally, she avoided the place like the plague, but seeing as how the rooftop’s most frequent patrons were busy occupying themselves with brainless activities, she relished the prospect of an uneventful hour away from PE class. Skillfully, she navigated the stairs up with ease, her eyes lightly grazing the pages of a book before emerging into the sunshine.