[center][h3][color=#535d60]Felix Lancaster[/color][/h3] [color=#535d60]The Magnet Mage[/color][/center] Felix frowned a bit but nodded. It did answer his questions, but he wouldn't deny his disappointment in the answers. He had been a bit afraid of the idea that he'd just be doing jobs instead of doing jobs AND research, but he supposed he could always do so on his own. He was a bit more perterbed about the thought of everyone being on their own as far as training went. He figured, again, that maybe he could get a sparring partner at some point. He listened to Master Jamie as the master explained the ways the jobs functioned. He listened, then looked at Amaya. [color=#535d60][b]"Well then, why don't we go on a job together? We could easily knock one out."[/b][/color] The doors burst open and another entered, Felix looked and raised an eyebrow.