Bruce sighed heavily and seemed to ponder what to say, but only for a few moments. "I consider it a success. Here, we do not pressure the students into one way of thinking, or one side. We let them explore their powers, what they wish, hope that yes, when they graduate they sign the treaty or go and maintain secrecy while they use their abilities. If a student wished to start their own academy, so be it. If that's what they see as what they want to do, who am I to stop them? It doesn't mean I don't have people there." He leaned forward slightly and said after another pause "I would be worried if the school wasn't being invaded. It would mean that we aren't doing our job. We do not risk students lives, and they all can handle themselves after a time. As they had done, with the magneto incident. Among others. In such a school, such an institution, with the use of powers by novices, if never surprises me that the school is damaged on a regular basis. But better it's done here, in a control environment, then out where normal humans can be hurt. I'm sure you are aware of incidents with students before they come here. Damage and deaths to humans, to communities, buildings and such. While here, there is no risk to the other students or the general population. As for suicides, I think while we can predict such incidents, the human psychology can be difficult to understand. And in such an extensive student body, it is excepted that such things will occur. And yet, rarely does it occur. Ms.Rayne's incident is something, I asure you, that none of us expected. I imagine it even took you by surprise." Now, Bruce leaned back in his chair, his expression blank as he pondered another moment. "Given that the expectation of this school is to train students, to give them a place to do so without any expectations on them, but rather to give them safety in which to practice without exceptional harm to others, then I would have to say that yes, this experiment is a success and will continue to be so. After a few loose ends are tied up, I expect the school to run exceptionally well, with the issues of security fixed, as I am already taking steps to fix such issues. But tell me, Anthony, would you rather a world without the school, with situations and bad consequences of people developing and practicing their powers? Can you imagine the problems of that? I did, as did your father, although a times I wondered if it was just for him a way of watching the upcoming competition he may have. In anycase, the school for me is a success"