[h1] Krag and Grak [/h1] The twins looked at each other at the mention of a counsel. They had been out of the loop for quite a while and they were pretty oblivious to most going ons even though the counsel had been around a while but they figured the dragon wanted to help them out in some way and they were happy to comply. "I'll take this one brother." Krag said to Grak whom nodded in agreement "Well to keep things short we sorta got run outta our home a... Well a long time ago. We fled our home and found our way here while looking for some dragon like us. Lots of heads and... How to put this lightly..." He pondered at how to put his powers "Dead people powers?" Said his brother "yes, Dead people powers. Now we've just been living here training our powers and skills such as our magic, fighting and smithing." He said finishing up.