[@half people involved] On the chair sped forward with Kenny and Reiko in tow, though it was going a bit too slow for his taste. That was solved when Reiko jumped off, nearly falling in the process and with it, the chair sped forward. Kenny threw up his arms like a child enjoying a ride after one last hard push from the ruler, which snapped in half from it and lost any chance of controlling or altering his path. The flapping of his hood caused by the rushing wind muffled nearly all other sound, and for a moment he felt as if he was free, soaring through the skies. The song I believe I can fly played in his song as he relished in this exhilirating euphoria, having dreamed of just leaving; to go wherever his feet carried him. He didn't really have anything keeping him from doing so, other than Reiko, but it wasn't like they were close enough that she'd really care or miss him. Nothing but a dream and his fantasy short, the voices ahead snapping him from his daydream to see kurisa and two others. One cornered against the window holding up a small object, the other two looking like hungry predators about to tear into an defeneseless, harmless, useless, cowering baby animals. He started waving his arms to try and signal them to get out of the way, though of course without a verbal warning they wouldn't notice and the chair going too fast to stop now. Sure, Kenny could use his feet to stop, but that might cause the chair to flip over and send him flying into them anyway. Something that would only hurt worse and he needed to decide quickly since he was looming closer by the second, like a speeding train with bystanders stuck on the track. With his limited choices left him, he chose the best likely course to just abandon ship. Giving his body a twist to turn the chair around till his back was to the group. Taking a deep breath before leaping up off the chair, arms held out. In that instant it felt like he was falling forever, his life flashing before his eyes and awaited the horrendous pain his body would soon feel. Thump His body landed with a faint thud on the floor, the fall only a measly 3 feet with his masked face resting against the floor. Realizing that he was being a bit over dramatic just then and lifted his head followed with a right handed thumbs up to any that could see to show he was all right. Seconds later the he could hear the crash from the chair ramming into kurisa and the girl as Kenny had turned his head just in time to see the two falling into each other. .......... Springing up off the floor, he marched off, acting like nothing happened with a barely audible, nonchalant whistle thinking he might go see what Reiko was up to.