I have a lot of apologizing to do. It might seem like I got wiped off the face of the Earth, and I nearly did. Let's just say I got really, really sick there for a while. Hospitalization type sick. I don't want to go into details. There was surgery involved. Ew. Anyways... I'm mostly okay now. But, I am really really sorry I left this group hanging dry. It was not my intention and it was not something I did on purpose. I like "clean slates" so maybe I will make a "new" account, but not tell anyone it is me and do some stress free 1x1 RPs. :) It just happened and time got away from me. I'm not sure if I can handle jumping back on the bandwagon after being gone so long. I am going to do my best, so bear with me. Not sure what to do. But I am not gone, or dead. That's good, right? ;) I missed you guys.