[center][img]http://i57.tinypic.com/2921o4h.jpg[/img][/center] After parting ways with Ben, Paneru traversed the hallway slowly, gliding his hands leisurely along the walls as he did so. [color=fdc68a][i]Marble maybe?[/i][/color], he randomly thought to himself, lightly touching and feeling his fingers as they moved through grooves of the wall. Most people would probably think it was weird that he was feeling the walls, but to Paneru, there was unique sense of art in everything. From the forest, to a clay vase, to the simple structure of a wall, each had its own feel and origin and artistic style. He suddenly stopped in his tracks, stepping back from the wall as he gazed upon an oil painting that hung on the wall. In fact, it was his own, submitted to the Art Department at the beginning of the year as a majestic display of his talent. He didn't feel like he was talented in much...but when it came to his swimming and painting, he certainly dominated. Paneru stepped back further, persistently goggling at his own artwork, though, he folded one arm across his chest and rested the other on it, lifting up his finger and unconsciously beginning to nibble on it. What he loved to do so dearly, he was also very critical of. He examined and inspected his artwork that was on display, thoroughly looking over every mark. [color=fdc68a][i]Maybe I should of added a bit more darkness there...the contrast is a little pale...[/i][/color] he thought to himself critically, though, not harshly to the point that he'd accidentally pilfer his own pride. He cocked his head slightly, allowing his long blonde hair to lazily fall over his chest, further glaring down his art as if it were a staring constant. He brought his delicate finger to his mouth once more, nibbling on it like a mouse, when all of a sudden he heard a loud bang and crash. He hastily turned his head in the direction of the sound to see his friend, Chisato, lying on the floor at the bottom of the stairs that lead up to the roof top. Strangely, a puddle of water was there. He quickly rushed over to her, briefly looking over the puddle of water with a confused expression on his face as he timidly tip toed over to her and slowly knelt down beside her as to avoid slipping himself. [b]"Ouchie..."[/b], the girl moaned, wincing as she lightly held her ankle within her palms. Paneru reached out and lightly touched her ankle..[b]"Ouch ouch, don't touch it..."[/b], she shrieked, jerking her foot away in a quick motion, but only to her own dismay and causing herself more pain. "[b]Ahhh...look what you made me do Paneru.."[/b], she whined in a semi-playful fashion. [color=fdc68a][b]"Sorry sorry.."[/b][/color], he chimed to her teasingly, though, his expression was clearly concerned. [b][color=fdc68a]"I think it might be sprained Chisato. Maybe we should take you to the nurse..."[/color][/b], Paneru said in a motherly, but serious tone. He affectionately reached out to her face, re-positioning her headband that had fallen over her eyes and placed it back at the top of her head. He chuckled softly and smiled to her like a worried parent..[b][color=fdc68a]"Practicing how to be blind are we?"[/color][/b], he said to her jokingly. She stuck her tongue out at him, but quickly found herself wincing again in pain as she gripped her hands around her ankle. Paneru placed his hands on her legs, trying to decide how he should carry her there himself. Well..if he could for that matter. He paused for a moment, stuttering slightly as he spoke once more.[b][color=fdc68a]"Hey Chi-Chi...have you seen Megumi today?"[/color][/b], he asked in a low and awkward tone. She opened her eyes wide and wrinkled her nose at him. [b]"Ummmm...Noooooo. Why would I want to see that bitch today? Or Better yet, on any day for that matter?"[/b], she boldly exclaimed, her tone authentically aggressive as her eyes furrowed like an angry owl. Paneru frowned and spoke softly...[b][color=fdc68a]"Don't talk about her like that...she isn't...."[/color][/b]. He paused. [b][color=fdc68a]"a bitch..."[/color][/b], he finished in a whisper and airy like tone. Chisato blew air out her nose like a bull and blow air up at her bangs, making them flap briefly. She rolled her eyes and winced once more. Chisato sighed deeply and huffed, [b]"Let's not talk about her anymore. I don't wanna be jinxed with her presence."[/b], Chisato said lazily. Paneru made a pouty face to Chisato, who leisurely, only responded by lightly giggling before releasing her grip off her ankle and reaching out to him with her arms wide open like a child reaching out for its mommy. "[b]Pick me up! pick me up!"[/b], she playfully whined. Paneru looked at her and smiled affectionately, moving over to her in a crouched position so he could wrap his arm around her waist as she wrapped her arm over his shoulder. [b][color=fdc68a]"1,2,3"[/color][/b], he counted out calmly, trying to use what muscle he had to pull her up to carry her, but unfortunately, he almost fell over in the process with her. He grunted under his breath as he tried to gain his composure, gently positioning her so she could sit down on the bottom step. He flicked her ear softly as if annoyed. [b][color=fdc68a]"Oh my god, your so heavy. What have you been eating?"[/color][/b], he quipped at her as banter. She raised her fist and lightly punched his leg. [b]"Nothing. Well...except for your soul."[/b], she retorted with a devilish and evil grin. Paneru rolled his eyes at her teasingly and looked around the area briefly, definitely hearing all the loud commotion going on further down the hallway, but opting not to look for help there before directing his focus to the top of the stairs. [color=fdc68a][b]"Either way, I don't think I can carry you by myself. I'm gonna try and find someone to help me carry you to the nursing office, so stay put. And no more blind test while I'm gone"[/b][/color], he cheekily responded back to her. She lazily motioned her hands to him as if to say [i]yeah yeah[/i] and pulled out her phone as Paneru slowly traversed up the steps, the sunlight becoming ever more illuminating the closer he got to the top. When he finally reached the rooftoop, he let out a deep sigh and held his hand out in front of the sun, doe-eyed and peering at it entrancingly, watching as the loving sunlight peaked through his spread out fingers. The breeze was amazing up here and his long shiny blonde hair seemed to majestically dance along to the rhythm of the wind. He finally brought his hand down and looked around to see who was up there. A few students were there, one playing some kind of game, another with long brown hair and green eyes, but he froze when he saw Megumi and his heart seemed to skip a beat. His face turned slightly red as he took a moment and watched her cute self hard at work, as if he were suddenly spellbound by her presence. He certainly knew of she and her brother's reputation, but he wasn't one to immediately fall into negativity. And how could she be a bitch? Just the simple act of doing school work made her seem so precocious, so lovely. Paneru took notice of the beautiful brightness that the sun did to her face that made it glow like porcelain. Though, it seemed to have the same effect on his unnaturally feminine and beautiful countenance as well. He walked a bit closer to them and spoke clearly, loud enough for them to hear, but not to loud to where it would disturb them, especially since this was his first time speaking directly to them, even though he had seen and heard of them on numerous occasions. He especially admired Megumi from afar. Perhaps though, he would be better off not tainting the doll-like and graceful image he has of her, should he discover for himself first-hand that she really is....a bitch. [color=fdc68a][b]"Kurogane-sama...Megumi-shi"[/b][/color], he began in a pleasant tone, bowing his head deeply for a brief moment as a show of respect, his long blonde hair draping over his shoulders as he did so. When he finally raised his head back up, he clasped his hands together in front of himself and spoke once more, though specifically directed towards Kurogane. [b][color=fdc68a]"I apologize for disturbing your studies but...my friend, Chisato, she slipped in a puddle of water at the bottom of the stairs and I think she might have sprained or twisted her ankle."[/color][/b], he paused for a brief moment to catch his breath and then continued. [b][color=fdc68a]"Unfortunately though, I can't carry her by myself to the nursing office. Clearly...strength is NOT my forte. But anyways...I'd definitely appreciate the assistance of helping me carry her there. I'd definitely owe you a favor for sure."[/color][/b], he finished saying in a calm and sincere tone, slowly backing away from them in the direction of the door, hoping that the notoriously heartless Kurogane...would actually have one.