The Cyborgel had completed its reboot and sprung to life. The mechanic clearly brought the Cyborgel back to life though Yuri wondered why. The Russian continued to stealthily observe. The Cyborgel was at first confused which turned into fear when she backed up against the wall, telling the mechanic not to hurt her. The mechanic took a step forward and offered a hand, asking her name. It was obvious to Yuri the mechanic meant no harm to the newly-booted Cyborgel though the reason still eluded the Russian. Yuri figured whatever it was, it was likely benevolent. The Revolution could use a person like him. He would be a big help in restoring the trashed Cyborgels. However, he was still Desium Corp. and Yuri had no idea about his loyalty. The Russian wondered if he should show up. He was identified after all and he had a weapon, but then the mechanic could also have. Putting the thoughts aside for now, Yuri continued to spy on the duo to know what was going to happen next. He'll show up when it is beneficial or necessary.