[center][b]Jarvis[/b][/center] Jarvis looked at Amelia, and gave her a reassuring smile, and took her hand. [color=aba000]"Do not fear, little one. You are with your guild, now. We won't let you get hurt"[/color] He said, looking now to Lazarus. [color=aba000]"Well, Lazarus. We got you out. We are here. Why are we here? Why, apart from Sasha, are we here?"[/color] Jarvis had a serious expression on his face, and it was clear the he was demanding the answers, more then just asking. [center][b]Liana[/b][/center] Liana let out a cry as they were flung into the air, and onto the Legion. She threw out her hands, and gripped tight to whatever she could grab. Which happened to be Sasha's ankle, pulling the young woman down towards them, probably ending up with the three of them tangled up. Liana made apologetic sounds, and tried to scramble up, but was now fully tangled up with Edo-trinity. Sasha scrambled out herself, blushing feriously, and Liana huffed, muttering [color=bc8dbf]"Sorry, trinity. Um. I need you to move your leg, please"[/color] [center][b]Sasha[/b][/center] As Sasha was taken down by Liana, she immediately tried to scramble up, realising that she was wearing a [i]short dress[/i]. It was mortifying, and made her long for her leggings, long for that simple comfort of knowing that even if she fell, no one could see anything. At least she had the jacket, at least that meant her chest was covered. She swallowed, and seeing that everyone was safe, at least as safe as they could be on a flying beast with an enemy, with two enemies, Before she even knew what she was doing, she was stalking towards the Edolas version of her sister, Pen. It didn't take long, and Pen seemed taken aback. Which enabled Sasha to shove him, to push him down, freezing his hands down, his feet, to the Legion's back. [color=6ecff6]"You are a disgrace. You are a stain to my sister"[/color] She said, [color=6ecff6]"And if you know whats good for you, you'll stay down, or I will make you a female"[/color] She threatened, standing up, she looked over to the Edolas version of her guild members. Had Karn joined the guild? Right then, she couldn't remember. [color=6ecff6]"I can take you down, with my snake stair case, if you are going down again"[/color] She said to edo-karn, looking to Edo-Master Jamie [center][b]Edo-Jamie[/b][/center] Edo-jamie was grateful to be helped up onto the legion, and stood, to what seemed to be Choas, as the three girls became entangled. And then was taken by surprise as El-Sasha stalked towards Pen. He imagined that Pen was as shocked as Jamie when the girl-woman-She might seem younger then Sasha, but El-Sasha was every bit the woman she was-pushed him over Jamie couldn't help it. She snickered at the obviously crude coment, and then looked to Edo-Karn. [color=f26522]"no Karn. You should rest, and make sure that our other charger doesn't escape or do anything badly"[/color] he said looking to Edo-Angelica, who seemed subdued for now. But she growled and rose, and Jamie imagined that she was reaching for some more of her darts. The legion descended slowly. [center][b]Penny[/b][/center] Penny was rapt with the fight. She watched, and didn't move. As Jacye ran off, penny spared a glance for him, deciding he would be alright for now. The others demanded her attention right now, as she suddenly recognised Sasha flinging herself into the air after the flying beast. As two others were flung up to the legion, her eyes were drawn to Edo-Karn, and she thought for a moment that Karn had someone been sent to this world too. And then she relaxed, realising that this wasn't Karn, but his Edolas version. And as Mayt saved the woman, Penny walked over, [color=f7976a]"because we are Phoenix wing. Senseless death disgusts us. Because you were used. Which doesn't mean if you decided to attack us again that I won't kill you myself" [/color] She looked to Mayt and smiled [color=f7976a]"well. That's everyone then, right?"[/color] but she remembered Sasha and winced [color=f7976a]"who else is here? Have you seen Sayuri?"[/color] As if suddenly remembering that they were in a battle field, she looked about, pursing her lips. Seeing the smoke from some sort of bomb, she imagined the person that had created it was using it as cover. She looked back to Mayt and said [color=f7976a]"you see to have better control of your abilities"[/color] more of a statement then anything else, as she let fire flicker over her arms. And then flames danced around her, and she shot fire balls at Edo-Maddox, the smoke-bomb hider, and anyone else thinking of attacking them. She seemed to do it absently as she looked back to check on Jacye and Angelo [center][b]Master Jamie[/b][/center] Master Jamie listened as Felix spoke to Amelia, and sighed softly, looking to the job board, he REALISED she would have to put restrictions on for the moment. [color=f26522]"I would rather you wait to take jobs until the rest of the guild is back. Things are a bit...hectic at the moment and I would not risk you going out right now. Those people could be out there anywhere, and...well. Perhaps attacking the council has loosened something on fiore"[/color] she said, looking to the door as it was pushed open. When had it repaired itself? Jamie sometimes wondered that the guild has its own secrets, hidden even from him. Unsurprising, but still. [color=f26522]"welcome. What brings you here? I am Master Jamie"[/color]