[u][b]Lord Theo Connington of Griffin's Roost[/b][/u] Sun rays pierced through the gaps in the tent were Theo stood in the centre getting ready for the upcoming tourney. Jon and Jamie sat off to the side. Theo’s armour was basically on with his squire, Richard Kellington a skinny boy of twelve who was given to Theo to foster when he first became Lord, tying up the last strap. It was full plate armour with the main colour being a dark red and the joints and the laces being white, the two colours of his family. The helmet in the shape of a griffin was lying dormant on the table next to his gauntlets. “When can I have armour that looks like yours and when can I have my own squire? I can’t be bothered to wait for you to get ready before I can get ready.” Jon complained letting out a sigh and shuffling impatiently on his seat. “Seven hells Jon what is wrong with you today, stop acting like a child. Richards more mature that you and your twelve years his senior. Besides you’ve not even been knighted yet, I’ll make you squire for Jamie if you don’t stop complaining, you’re lucky you’re even competing today.” Jamie burst out laughing at Theo’s response, just from the shocked look of Jon. Richard let out a little giggle. “Please don’t make me a squire, I want to compete.” Jon shouted to Theo close to getting on his knees and begging. “Then shut up.” Theo replied, as he let out a little laugh shaking his head at his brother, looking like he was close to breaking down. He turned back around moving his body about, testing his armour to see if it was fitted properly and that nothing was loose. “Good job Richard. Anyway if you do well today, I might find a smith in King’s Landing who would be willing to make you a new suit of armour.” “Really?” Jon stood up shouting the question, his eyes wide open with joy and a massive smile on his face. “Yes.” Theo said smiling at his brother. “Only if you do well… and only if you start acting chivalrous, you’re representing our house. I don’t want people getting the wrong opinion of us if you’re acting like a spoiled brat. You understand?” Theo told his brother with a firm look on his face. “Yes I understand.” Jon said, trying to act serious but not being able to contain his excitement kept letting out a little smile. “Good. Now get ready. I'm going for a walk and having a look at the grounds.” Theo told everyone in the room as he headed for the exit. “Do you need me to come with you my Lord?” Jamie asked before he left. “No I’ll be fine on my own, look after him and make sure he doesn't get into trouble.” Theo pointing at Jon. He nodded his head at everyone then left the tent. When he walked outside he realized how warm the day had gotten. He looked around to see his horse tied up to the side, Theo walked over to the massive war horse and started to stroke his ear. “You okay fella. Ready for today?” The horse let out a little whinny as Theo continued to scratch him behind the ear. His coat was a light grey with the odd patches of white. Theo then gave one final scratch and left. The ground keepers were doing their final preparations as Theo arrived at the tourney grounds. He walked over to a plank fence and rested his arms on it and started to think of the day to come, [i]it’s going to be a long day.[/i]