[i]Space...its big and dark. not much to it really, But there's a fortune to be made here, Dreams to accomplish, Lifes to live, You might say that its the final frontier, I like that, Space..the Final Frontier[/i] A deep black space..empty, Then a Medium-sized ship flys past, in fact. Many more smaller ships follow about 5, The small ships Occasionally fired a crimson red beem at the medium sized ship, causing a Soundless explosion and leaving a hole, the medium ship was Flying for its life the Small ships were small and Red A logo on there side, a Star. the Medium sized ship was just big and grey, It was a Eyesore, with scratches and holes and dents surrounding it, Then, a bright light surrounded the medium sized-ship. And consumed it, the Ship Jumped forward, into the darkness of space..But however, the Small ships did too..following in pursuit. [h1]Prologue[/h1] The 5 small ships warped into sight, Just getting enough time to view the Medium Sized ship, near a Plant..Falling helplessly into the planets orbit, the Planet was big and green. much like a planet called Earth, Before the industrialization of course, now it was Grey and blue, you could see the glowing lights of the cities a mile away, the medium Ship fallen and fallen, until it disappeared and made a tiny orange dot. they were finished.. [b]Well there goes out merc problem[/b] the voice sounded Crisp and new, the voice of a young man in his 20's, He was in a room full of computers and a big window with a view of the planet, the young man was wearing a Beige colored jacket with Blue jeans and a white shirt beneath his jacket That person was named Barrack, Twirling a Bright sliver sword, a Older man, In his 40's was sitting on a Chair, a serious look on his face, he had a Tuxedo and he was much more formally dressed, this person was Marco, the Owner of a company known as Star ink, His chair was facing the mass of computers, so he could command them all He pressed a big red button on the side of his chair, the Intercom cracked as he pressed it, he Leaned to the button and announced [b]I would like a 6 man strike team to prepare and land on the planet and Off any survivors[/b] Marco spun his chair around, [b]Your going too[/b] He commanded Barrack, [b]They'll be dead before you can "chicken fries"[/b] He told Marco, [b]Chicken fries. Are the survivors dead now? No they're not now get moving[/b] Marco Snapped, Unfazed Barrack Stopped leaning against his wall and nodded [b]Sure boss,[/b] He said as he walked into a elevator, the elevator door closing and Plunging down to the bottom floor, where Barrack would lead a squad to kill off a couple of survivors, If they're was any