[@Phobos][@Hebigami Shiho] [center][img]http://i58.tinypic.com/2ewh1d4.jpg[/img][/center] As Kurisa waited to see what Shoske would do he suddenly gained a confused look as he heard an odd sound that was getting louder at a fast pace "[color=00aeef]The Fu-[/color]" Kurisa's eyes widened as a chair hit him from behind causing him to fall into Utaho which would have caused her to fall and ultimately Kurisa would have ended up on top of her. As Kurisa pushed himself up he realised what position he was in which caused his eyes to widen as he quickly leaped up and rubbed the back of his head, trying to play it off "[color=00aeef]Where the fuck did that even come from!?[/color]" Kurisa looked at the direction in which the chair came from to see nothing "[color=00aeef]Damn cowards. Tch![/color]" Kurisa then turned his attention back to Utaho as he extended a hand out to her to help her up "[color=00aeef]Sorry about that...[/color]" Kurisa was still trying to play this off and yet in truth he was somewhat embarrassed...not even from being hit by the chair but landing on top of Utaho "[color=00aeef][i]I swear...if she thinks I'm some sort of perv after this I'm going to find the fucker who did this and murder him![/i][/color]" Kurisa had almost turned his attention away from Shoske but then again...after what happened, Shoske likely wouldn't have been running, more laughing