[hider=Jane Vermillion in: Deadlock Cagematch!] [b]Name:[/b] Jane Vermilion [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Race:[/b] Human (Canopy) [b]Age: [/b] 15 [b]Birthday: [/b] April 13 [b]Blood Type:[/b] B [b]Height:[/b] 5" 5' [b]Weight:[/b] 104 lbs. [b]Measurements:[/b] 21B-18-23 [b]Likes:[/b] Pro-Wrestling, Being right, Being alone, A fair fight, Salty foods [b]Dislikes:[/b] Authority, Her parents, cheaters, Country music, hand sanitizer [b]Parasite/Living Weapon:[/b] [i]Franky[/i] is attached to Jane right hand. His eyes are where her knuckles would be, assuming her hand wasn't covered in him, and his mouth is at her palm. From his mouth, he spews intense fire, and fireballs. Franky is timid and stoic, often times staying silent and allowing Jane to do the talking. He doesn't feel much attachment to her, and simply fights with her because she is his host, and they would both die if he were not to pitch in in some situations. He also feels a sort of social obligation, as to not stain his parasite name. Were he able to use the Skull Heart's wish, he would want complete equality for all. [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=My Hider] [img]http://static.giantbomb.com/uploads/original/1/11512/1664981-kirino_pout_kirino_kousaka_17464807_900_699.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Blockbusters:[/b] [i][u]Big Bang Attack[/u][/i] -[b]LV1[/b]- Franky spews a flaming napalm ball at the enemy that is multi-hit and slowly expands the farther it moves. This move deals a small amount of damage. [i][u]Sub-Atomic Backbreaker[/u][/i] -[b]LV2[/b]- Jane flaming uppercuts the opponent into the air, and knees them in the back on the way down. This move deals a decent amount of damage. Causes a hard knock down. [i][u]Say AAH![/u][/i] -[b]LV3[/b]- Franky grows to a massive size and devours the opponent. While in his mouth Franky simultaneously chews and incinerates his opponent. He then spits them out, still on fire. Deals major damage. [b]Bio:[/b] Soon after Jane was born, she was left on her aunt and uncle's doorstep by her parents. She grew up watching her uncle's old boxing match tapes and the such. She wanted to be a great fighter, like her hero Beowulf. To accomplish this, she decided to try and get a lot of practice in. She has been in many fights, mainly at school. She has been expelled numerous times, and even arrested for enacting vigilante justice on a criminal who tried to scam her. In the fight, the criminal managed to slice her hand so badly that it needed to be amputated. For about half a year, she was without one of her hands and her dreams of being a professional were crushed. Her grades dropped, and her aunt and uncle became concerned. Particularly her uncle, who supported her dream and was saddened over the loss. She was given a therapist to try and cope. After another one of her sessions that went pretty much nowhere, she was confronted by a parasite. He offered to be her replacement hand, if she was his host, as he was particularly desperate to get one at the time. She agreed ecstatically, and the two joined. That brings us to today, where the budding relationship of host and parasite is going to be tested by the ensuing chaos of the new skullgirl. [/hider]