Kaya smiled and gave him a slight shrug. “If that’s what you want to do.” She told him, probably not something he’d expect from her but she figured it was their last year, if he really didn’t want to go she really didn’t want to be that whiney friend who made him. Kaya doubted she could make him go if he didn’t want to anyway. Personally she didn’t agree with it being a core subject anyway, since for people like Bryant it really wasn’t useful. He was never going to learn how to use his powers by sitting in a classroom listening to a teacher lecture. Similarly to how her powers were mostly theoretical application. The practical part was really quite easy once you did all the theory work. Hence why she usually opted out of power practical. It wasn’t hard, people were usually more than eager to get in the ring and she was easily overlooked. “Go have your nap.” She said with a smile. “I’ll see you in practical.” The girl then turned and began making her way down the hall. Perhaps this wasn’t the best start to the year for them. If anything she was just worried about how he’d go in the end of year exam. Theoretical assessment of his powers had never been Bryant’s strong suit.