[hider=Red Rane] [indent] [COLOR=RED][B][U]Name:[/U][/B][/COLOR] [indent]Rane Traxian[/indent] [COLOR=RED][B][U]Alias:[/U][/B][/COLOR] [indent]Insane Rane, Red Rane, Son of the Skyfather. He has dozens of names and titles, most of them he has given himself.[/indent] [COLOR=RED][B][U]Age:[/U][/B][/COLOR] [indent]Fifty years old chronologically, early thirties biologically.[/indent] [COLOR=RED][B][U]Appearance:[/U][/B][/COLOR] [indent]Rane, like all Canmorian's, is a tall lizard-like bipedal alien. Rane stands at about 6'3" - He is short for his race - and although as lean as a rabbit, his frame hides a deceptive amount of muscle. .His white and grey skin is covered in a fine snake-like scales. External bone plates and spikes serve as an armor for his species, protecting vital organs. He has painted religous symbols over his body and face, swirls and loops of vivid red and gold that display to all with the wit to discern them that he is an instrument of the Skyfather. Canmorian's have three fingers and one thumb on their hands, with long digitigrade, three toed legs. Their legs feature a sickle claw, much like velociraptors of cretaceous period earth. Each digit ends in bone like talons. All Canmorian's have long, prehensile tails. His head feature's a boxy, extended maw. His eyes are an amber gold and stilted like a cats. Canmorians, much like humans, have a mixture of Incisor and Molar teeth but the incisors are slightly longer and sharper. [i]For reference his head is like [url=http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/363/7/4/argonian_commission_by_victoriadaedra-d6zvg1z.jpg]this[/url][/i][/indent] [COLOR=RED][B][U]Personality:[/U][/B][/COLOR] [indent]Nutty, unique, zen-like[/indent] [COLOR=RED][B][U]Powers:[/U][/B][/COLOR] [indent]Canmores gravity is heavier than that of earth and Canmorian bone structure is significantly denser than that of a human, making them stronger than any man. Their speed is likewise far more impressive, especially their reaction times. Their hide is thick and leathery, bone plating and spikes providing further protection from harm. Even if they are injured their bodies possess primary, secondary and in some cases even tertiary organs and backups, even going so far as to have a redundant nervous system. They are also capable of cellular regeneration unseen in most races. Lost limbs can be re-grown in a matter of months. With his Canmorian physiology alone Rane could be an effective combatant, but he has one further advantage that makes him a terror for all who face him – The Sword of the Skyfather. The sword is a once rumored mythical object that features heavily in Canmorian folklore and legend. Said to be created from a mysterious star metal that was a gift from the Skyfather himself and crafted by the greatest shaman-smiths of the Scorched Wastes, it is a weapon without equal. Said to be unbreakable, it has been seen to cut through the toughest of materials. When he holds the sword Rane posses a near perfect situational awarness, as well as becoming completely fearless. [/indent] [COLOR=RED][B][U]Weaknesses:[/U][/B][/COLOR] [indent]Cold tempretures make him sluggish. Though tough he is no incincible. When he holds the sword he is fearless, which isn't an entirely positive trait. Being parted from the sword seems to weaken him, like an addict deprived of their drug of choice.[/indent] [COLOR=RED][B][U]Bio:[/U][/B][/COLOR] [indent]No one, not human or Canmorian, quite know what happened to Rane to make him the way he is. Some say he must have suffered some great tragedy in his past, others that he was born wrong. There's rumors that he's been the the edge of space, and what he seen there drove him over the edge. Superstitious Canmorians, of which there are a many, believe that the Skyfather -the Canmorian God of creation- is punishing Rane for sins of a past life by giving him a soul with holes in it. Needless to say, there's something off about him. The first people started hearing about him was about thirty years ago. At the time he was a junior cleric of Crithalea, Canmorian's dominant religion. He became well known for his passionate and fiery sermons, and his future with Crithaliasm looked bright indeed. After several years his popularity among the people was immense and he was earmarked to become a Patriarch, one of the Crithalean holy leaders. The ceremony to become a Patriarch begins with the candidate spending two weeks in the scorched lands. The scorched lands is a desert area of Canmore said to be almost entirely inhospitable to all save the 'unclean', a group of Canmorian outcasts who still followed the old religion of the Skyfather rather than the ways of Crithalea. It was the last anyone seen of Rane. . . Until two years ago when he came out of the Scorched lands swinging a sword and leading an army of unclean against the Crithalean religion. He was insane, they said, taking on the high and mighty with nothing but a rusty relic and a bunch of outcasts. Despite that it seemed he couldn't be stopped, regardless of the armies sent against them. He even managed to kill half of the Patriarch order. Insane he might have been, but he was starting to seem invincible. Still, it was only so long he could keep moving forwards against such adversity, and eventually his dwindling forces stalled against the armies of Crithalea. The final battle approached, Crithalean forces arming themselves to assault the Skyfather's supporters position and capture Rane for trial when he went and saved them the trouble by handing himself in, sword held in one hand and a datapad in the other. The Crithaleans where suspicious at first, thinking it was some sorta trap. After he insisted on a public trial their fears were allayed. After all, how much damage could a madman like him accomplish in a trial? Little did they know the trouble was just beginning. Turns out he held proof of corruption in the Patriarch's ranks. Prostitution, drug trafficking, slavery, they were in on it all, and Rane had proof of it on his little datapad. When asked where he got his info from he looked his interrogators straight in the eye, smiled wide and said "The Skyfather". He then went on and told an intricate story of internal strife within the Patriarchs, where backdoor politics had gotten so out of hand that members were actively trying to get each other killed. One enterprising Patriarch had kept all the evidence of his compatriot's fraudulence as insurance policy against their mascinations. "I only figured it out after I cut that fella in half" said Rane "Felt it was only right to turn myself in after". The story he told was incredible, so incredible it almost had to be believed, one that no sane person would come out with. However it was widely known that Rane was nuts, and the evidence that the Patrirachs were corrupt was irrefutable. They couldn't pursue the story of a broken government any further, but now they were left with the quandary of what to do with a murdering Canmorian, who claimed he had done all he had done on the instruction of the Skyfather and all for the good of Canmore. After a long discussion only one answer stood out. Make him a Legionnaire. "Works for me" responded Rane. And now? Now he's Alex Mason's problem. [/indent] [COLOR=RED][B][U]Notes:[/U][/B][/COLOR] [indent]Cross fills the wildcard and brute role. He's absolutely cracked, with his on sense of morality, loyalty and honor. The trouble is trying to get him to share it with anyone. The Sword of the Skyfather [i]speaks[/i] to Rane. Is this voice actually the sword, or is it just further proof of Rane's mental inbalance? You'll find out![/indent] [/indent] [/hider] Finished.