[@Aura Lodestone] Ok, following some feedback and a lot of thinking, I don't see anything wrong with having a cat-eared, cat-tailed, gene-spliced human character from Earth's distant future. However! Could you possibly edit your CS to be more vague about the historical references? This way no other characters from the future would feel pressured to comply with the history you wrote. You could simply say that due to Elin's genetic dysfunctions in the womb he was crossed with a cat to save his life. You could say he comes from a certain society in the future where people don't really work but either walk, run or jump. Anything else you'd really like to have in his history, just narrow it down to one society instead of the entire world, and you should be golden. [@Skythikon] Connor is approved! Please copy his CS to Characters. [quote=@drewccapp] [@Mokley]I think I would prefer the grouping... it made the game quite organized while there were lots of people. I can imagine the groups will merge a lot quicker since we're on a ship not in a forest, but at least the start won't be messy since large groups can get that way. I'm curious about how other people feel about it. [/quote] [quote=@t2wave] I like groups. [/quote] That's two votes for groups! I'd rather shy away from calling them "teams" this time, though (the competitiveness isn't always great) and I would definitely reply to everyone all at once instead of letting one group charge ahead. ;) So ok, we'll have pockets of characters instead of trying to herd you all. It makes for an easier understanding of what's going on, too.