Where was crewman Armstrong when all this turmoil was going on? Manning a cannon? In the engine room? In the confessional saying his prayers? No, more like he was hooked up to a tank-like device keeping him in a sort of rehabilitating stasis, while all this spectacular action was taking place unbeknownst to him. A heavy coma brought upon by his latest physical undertaking, having overexerted himself from their last skirmish. He was still far from 100%, though even at 60% or so, he'd prove his worth. Chimera's were designed to be quite stronger and adaptive than the average peak human and he was no exception, a super soldier if you will. It was believed that the Chimeras were designed by planetary powers to carry on the most essential of tasks, the seal team 6 of present day covert operations. It was no secret that Armstrong was a wanted man for having defected from his final directive. Many tried. None succeeded.