Amber eyes glinted from within the crowd of other nobles, who had all been put into a state of fear - a load roar filled with fierce whispers of treason cutting through the violent outburst that had taken over the square just seconds ago. Just below the balcony where they were seated, the people below were wreaking havoc in their panic and rage. The square was quickly becoming a boiling pit of death below them, each person turning on the other, fearing that their neighbor might have played some hand in the quick turn of events, while others ran from the chaos, pushing aside any in their way. Vinali's stomach churned at the wreck below. The human population was beautiful in most respects, even respectable in it's bravado, but this... This was ugly, and shameful. All was because of their system of power. Each human was always trying to outdo the other, tell one that he'd be able to rise to power and wealth previously unimaginable, he'd be willing to slaughter anyone in his way. She couldn't recount where she had heard it during her travels, but she could remember the words vividly, 'Man is a wolf to man.' Only now, was she aware of how much truth shrouded over that haunting statement. Taking a deep breath, Vinali rose from her chair, towering high above the other nobles, causing their ruckus to fall to a dim whisper, and then to a blissful silence as she let her red gaze fall on them. [color=ed1c24]"Go inside the building, there you will at least have the guards to protect you, I shall head down and help those below." [/color]It took all of the little self-control she had not to spit at their feet at their cowardice. These were the people they had sworn to serve, sworn to bring justice to and for. Though, she supposed she shouldn't be surprised, if this trial had anything to say about those that held power in this city. When she arrived at the square, she reeled at the destruction that had befallen the area. It reeked of fresh blood, the smell of iron was so intense it caused the Qun to take a step back and brace herself. She had only recently been exposed to the human embassies, and had seen fairly little of their cities. Now though, seeing their blood paint the stone below them in a river raging red, she felt a fire kindle from deep inside of her, burning behind her eyes, sending her hand to the hilt of her battleaxe –Qun were never detached from their weapon. Charging into the fray, she managed to remove her hand from the hilt of her weapon, and decided to instead use her fists. Wherever she could, she disabled fights, separating the squabbling humans. Hearing a high-pitched shriek, the warrior turned to see a young girl stumble and fall to the ground, blond hair falling in her face and her knee scraped. The thickness of the crowd made it almost impossible to spot her, but from what Vinali could see, the girl was in trouble. A fresh wave of commoners were stumbling about, scurrying in a fashion similar to mice, desperate to get away from the bloodshed. They were headed straight for the girl, though none made any sign of acknowledgment to her whimpers. She was going to be trampled to her death. Vin, without a second thought, charged through the sea of bodies, forcing her way through like a raging griffon. She doubted she would be able to reach the girl in time, though, despite her progress the wave had a few seconds head start. Perhaps though, she could distract them, if but for a moment. Reaching into her diplomatic uniform, a coal black color, with a silky blue belt wrapped around her middle, she pulled out the Qun battle horn she had stored within the small pocket. Bringing it to her lips, she took a deep breath and released it into the horn, a loud, somewhat calming tune rising from the horn, bursting through the commoners screams. Somehow, miraculously, her distraction worked. The group of runners stopped, looking up in their panic at the foreign sound, taken aback when they saw the large figure seemingly running straight for them. Even more surprised were they, when they saw the Qun scoop up the crying girl and hoist her over her shoulders, mindful of the horns atop her head while doing so. They watched in mild curiosity as the tall woman carried the girl over to the inn across the street, carefully setting her down inside, where she would be taken care of by the on-duty guards within. After leaving the inn, Vinali readied herself to head back into the crowd, which was thankfully thinning. Before she could enter though, she noticed a flurry of movement over to the wall on her right. A handful of guards had collected there, all bumbling about the collection of red vines, gripping onto a few and stumbling over how they would climb over the wall. Intrigued, the Qun trudged over to the wall, and inquired about the guards current doings. Recognizing her as one of the diplomats, and the Qun general, the captain of the group turned and saluted her, before briefly letting her know of the escaped prisoner, and two other's that helped him. Vin raised a perfectly sculpted brow, before sighing and grabbing onto one of the thick vines of ivy. Tilting her head back as she was midway up, she ordered the guards back to the square to help contain the situation. They were no help here. After climbing the full length of the wall, she hoisted herself up the top using her forearms and flipped herself over it, landing with a loud thud on the other side, wincing slightly at the contact. Bracing herself against the old stone of the wall with the flat of her palm, she took a quick scan of the area. Damn, no-one in sight. With a huff, she rubbed the back of her thighs, muttering a few choice words into the air before straightening and giving another look around. She wasn't one of the best bounty hunters for no reason, her tracking capabilities were incredible. Hopefully she could gather some kind of information from the area. Dropping close to the ground on one knee, Vinali scanned the ground, placing two of her fingers gingerly against the dirty pavement, running them along the cracked cobblestone and muck. There amidst the dirt, was a recent track, two pairs of feet running off the the alleyway nearby, a small line accompanying one– resembling the tip of a foot being dragged against the ground. It wasn't the most firm trail she'd seen, but it was the only one she had to go on. Lifting herself from the ground, Vinali began to follow the trail into the alleyway, curious as to where she would be lead.